Pacific Night Serum with Retinol

One thing that the experts (and by experts, I mean dermatologists, aestheticians, chemists, etc...) all agree upon is that retinol (aka vitamin A) is an incredibly effective at reversing premature aging. With its ability to smooth out wrinkles, dissolve pore clogging dead skin cells, fade stubborn acne scars and sun spots, retinol is a multitasking, overachieving topshelf heavyweight.

This particular bottle makes a difference after one application. When I don't use it, I can tell. It keeps breakouts at bay, and instrumental in softening my pregnancy induced freckles acquired over the past year. For extra potency, mixing it with a facial oil (I've been using Kahina Giving Beauty's Argan Oil) really increases the absorption and amps up the benefits. I'm nearly out of this bottle and apparently, they've since revamped the formula. Here's hoping it's just as effective.